

Activities & Projects
Initial project consideration currently revolves around establishing an eco sanctuary around the Cumberland Plains Woodlands adjacent to Sydney Zoo. Such a project will establish the credibility of the Foundation with donors and other stakeholders.
As the Foundation reputation builds, we can expand, and diversify our conservation activities to include:

  • Establishment of a centre of excellence in wildlife conservation with Western Sydney University
  • Increase the size and scale of CPW rehabilitation projects through large landholder partnerships (e.g. WSPT, Department of Defence)
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Implementation Breed-for-Release programs for critically endangered Australian Animals
  • Breeding programs for critically endangered species
  • International conservation efforts-supporting conservation and habitat protection initiatives ex situ
  • Supporting research into wildlife and ecosystem health issues
our key ideas

Learn about our key ideas and the issues we fight for.

Science for Wildlife

Providing financial support and resources to Science for Wildlife’s Blue Mountains Koala Project.


Bushland Regeneration

Establish a centre for education and learning.


Endangered Species

Breeding programs for critically endangered species.